09 December 2014

My Classroom teaching with ICT tools

I would like to say Microsoft Innovative Educator Program is absolutely best platform to develop my teaching skills with inspiration. It helps me establish new connections with other great educators in the world, attend inspirational webinars and learn new technology applications with my students and colleagues. As a Microsoft Expert Educator from Sri Lanka I have great experiences with most of the Microsoft technology tools and I have applied them in my classroom situations in an innovative way. 

Skype in the Classroom

"I would love to make connections with other classes in the world throughout the Skype community to collaborate with my students!"

Kodu Game Lab
Teach programming, problem-solving, and more with a creative environment
With Kodu it can be design, build, and play games. My students used Kodu Game Lab in their projects and having a fun with it. It is brainstorming and develops their intelligent power with mathematics. 

Songsmith in the Classroom
Songsmith is a great way to encourage creativity. In my classroom I use songsmith to keep remember some special facts in students minds with the music. Here is an example for using songsmith in my classroom. In a science lesson "nature of the earth and space" it was very difficult to keep in their minds about history of the astronomy with the names of astronomers and their views. So, it helps to keep their mind with a song they created and sing it with Songsmith. 


My students in grade 9 did a 3 months project for their science lesson "Nature of the earth & space" to identify the social opinion on unidentified celestial bodies . After that they made aware the teachers and the junior students of the school about their project. This project was helpful to develop their 21st century learning skills like collaboration, self-regulation, knowledge construction and use of ICT for learning etc.. Throughout this project they used ICT for their activities. While accomplishing the objectives of the project students have developed their English speaking skills, social skills, communication skills etc..This video shows the way they made aware the junior students in the school and about the activities and the ICT tools they used.

ChronoZoom is an educational tool to put historical events in perspective. I have encountered Chronozoom in my classroom. In my project i wanted to show the historical events of the astronomy and their inventions.  So, I could show the history of the Astronmy with Chronozoom that needs to be told.

             History of the Astronomy

The Time for "Hour of Code".
I started a Robotic student club in my school and while they are programming for their robots sometimes i'm challenging them to create their own game with hour of code. Students in my school robotic club, having great fun with it and learning computer science.


Wat is Actuary said...

Really good practicals for students.

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