
                         This is a blog site which can use as a teaching and learning aid for students and teachers any where in the world for their classroom teaching and learning. It shows how to integrate technology in education. 
                        This includes lesson and project plans for teachers and examples for students' project activities. It provides exemplary on how to do project based teaching and learning through the use of ICT and with new technologies. And it guides students to learn their lessons and do their projects through the use of ICT. So that you can gain knowledge on many ICT tools and how to apply them with activities and in different classroom situations in an innovative way.
                         And this includes a guidance for further learning on some subjects with free online courses and gain certificates. Teachers can follow professional development courses and earn badges and certificates.
                         All the projects, lessons and activities in here have been created by the blog author and she has applied these innovative teaching practices her own classroom situations with her students. And she has gained many results and experienced the development in her students' skills.
                         Here there are two main sections for teachers and students for each project. There are separate shared digital notebooks for teachers and students. With this site teachers can guide there students with the innovative teaching practices and students can get the assistance of their teacher and do the projects.
                     The author hope to add more projects in  the future and Your valuable comments are important for the improvement of this site. Please put your comments below...



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