The Water Cycle Project


                           The science lesson "water Cycle" for the students in grade 8 studied about the water cycle using modern technological tools. Students are learning the steps of the water cycle, Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Accumulation etc.
                          Teacher presents a step – water evaporation of water cycle using tools of Ms-PowerPoint. Teacher uses slides which prepared by him/her self. The students are evaluated by giving an assessment prepared in Ms-PowerPoint. At the end of the lesson teacher assigns students to do a research to find the difference on annual rainfall and temperature in recent two years in Sri Lanka by searching internet and prepare a presentation on findings.
                           While searching online resources students communicate with Gmail and share data which they have collected via Sky Drive. Finally teacher asks students to illustrate the water cycle.
                           You can see the important files related to this lesson in OneNote online notebook and refer the files there.
"Action Plan"    "Help Files"    "Measurement Rubrics"