Students' Blogs & Reports

Nature of the Earth & Space Project

Students' Reports
              After completing the project tasks students had to submit a project report as groups. Students have submitted many no of project reports in different ways using various ICT tools. Reports can be taken as a measurement unit to measure given tasks. So, relevant to these students' activities the teacher can evaluate students with the submitted reports.  

              This is a project report by the group "Virgo". They have created this report with Ms-OneNote  and Ms-Excel and submitted to the teacher via email and shared in their group.
             The team "Sirius" submitted their project report as a presentation. They have created it with Ms-PowerPoint and Office Mix.
Click here to see a report

Students' Blogs

               Students created their own blog for their project of the lesson "Nature of the earth & space". It includes about all the activities they have done with this project. When designing an ICT product, it should be for a particular audience and need.
 Students as a designer of an ICT product.  
                This happens when the students create ICT products that others can use. And the product lasts beyond the learning activity and can be used or enjoyed by an outside audience. It builds the 21st century skill "use of ICT for learning" inside the students.
                 Click here to visit the blog created by the students for this project. Here there are so many videos, photos and students activities related this project.